This Pest Control Attracts Roaches with Food and Water

Nobody likes finding roaches in their house. Unfortunately, finding them is a difficult job when you’re ready to apply pesticides. They hide in nooks and crannies you can hardly see, let alone treat! That’s where COMBAT Max Roach Killing Gel comes in. This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product from these links, …

A Tale Of Two Contractors (How Not To Do Business vs. How To Do Business Correctly)

Last week, I told y’all about a chance meeting I had in the Home Depot parking lot with a man who was the project manager on our garage-to-studio conversion several years ago. It just so happens that he is now working for one of the contractors I called about the addition we’re wanting to build …

5 Lovely Bathrooms: Sunday Strolls & Scrolls

@number131 I think one of the most exciting things about our kitchen remodel being nearly done is that it means we will be done cooking in our bathroom! Ha! I am looking forward to having our bathroom be just a bathroom again. We will also have an extra “new” bathroom now that my parents’ have …

1960s Home Gets New Garage Doors

First-time homeowner Aaron Caldwell bought his 1960s home about 3 years ago. He is the second owner of the 55-year-old house and decided he wanted to update it, but he needs our help with curb appeal ideas! He started on the inside with improvements such as updating the kitchen, repainting walls, and more. Then, he …

Adding My Floral Design To The Studio Back Entry (I Found A Way!)

If you’ve been following my studio project, you know that I really wanted to add the floral mural that I created for the long front wall of the studio to the walls of the back entry also. I even did a mock up of it, and started getting really excited about the idea. But then …

5 Whimsical Happy Rooms: Sunday Strolls & Scrolls

This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy here @miracleonthirtyfourth I received a kind message the other day from a TIR reader who mentioned that she loved how I mix classic pieces with whimsical elements. I loved that she is so observant and picked up on that! It is true, I’ve included …

Today’s Homeowner Radio Show Podcast| June 10, 2023

Learn how to prevent drywall nails from popping out and what should and shouldn’t be put down a garbage disposal. (3 Echoes Content Studio) Hour 1 Listen to hear how to prevent nails from pooping out, raise an outdoor dryer vent’s height, and more! How to Stop Drywall Nails from Popping Out Use a drywall …

Studio Updates: Floor Progress, Bathroom Decisions, Cabinet Paint Colors, and Back Entry Options From Reader Suggestions

Actual progress on the studio has been a bit slow lately. I’ve had a lot of non-house-related things taking up my time since last Friday, but I’m coming up on three whole, uninterrupted work days, and I hope to get quite a bit done. But there are a whole lot of things rumbling around in …

Beach House Kitchen Remodel Update + Tiny Cottage

Hello, friends! Our contractors have been busy bees here on our beach house kitchen remodel and the addition of the Tiny Cottage! Every time I refer to our home as our beach house I think it sounds like we must have a second home, but in fact, this is our only every day home! Even …

Effortlessly Drill Perfectly Deep Holes with This Simple Tool Hack

There is a common problem that every DIYer or woodworker faces: drilling multiple holes to the same depth. While it seems simple, it can quickly become frustrating when you find yourself with uneven holes. Using masking tape on the drill bit is a popular solution to act as a depth guide. People place the tape …