Going Green, Part 1

Danny Lipford driving electric car

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From reducing energy consumption to recycling waste, it seems like everyone is interested in doing their part to help the environment these days. While green living conserves natural resources and cuts down on pollution, it also has the practical benefit of saving money on your utility bills.

Actor and environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr. is living proof of the power of going green. While you probably know him best from his many roles on television and film, he’s been an outspoken advocate of sustainable living for almost 40 years. Everything about his home demonstrates his commitment to treading as lightly as possible on the earth. He’s even written a book, Living Like Ed: A Guide to the Eco-Friendly Life, about his experiences.

Actor and geen living advocate Ed Begley, Jr. with Danny Lipford.
Actor and geen living advocate Ed Begley, Jr. with Danny Lipford.

Sustainable Site

The first consideration in building a green house is minimizing the environmental impact to the site. Just north of San Diego, the green development of Del Sur is doing just that. Their emphasis on environmentally friendly building practices and commitment to preserving 60% of the development’s land as open space have earned Del Sur some of California’s top environmental awards.

Pervious paving of driveways, streets, and parking lots is another way to limit damage to the environment. While pervious paving has the look and feel of concrete or asphalt, it allows rainwater to filter through and soak into the ground. This decreases runoff that can pollute waterways and lower groundwater levels, as well as reducing the need for costly storm drains and retention ponds.

Reuse and Recycle

The Ranch House at Del Sur is both a welcome center and an example of sustainable development. Since shipping building materials long distances greatly increases their impact on the environment, many of the materials at Del Sur were obtained locally. Walls for the Ranch House were constructed from stones found on the property while the wood flooring and the ceiling beams came from structures that were being demolished.

Nonprofit organizations like the Reuse People are given buildings that have been slated for demolition in exchange for tax deductions. They then disassemble it and resell the materials to finance their efforts. By taking the building apart piece by piece, they are able to reuse about three-fourths of the total weight and recycle much of the rest.

Companies like TerraMai in California, specialize in turning high quality wood from demolished structures into lumber for paneling, flooring, and millwork. Since much of it comes from older, slow growing trees, the wood is stronger and more stable than lumber produced today.

Rather than tearing down older inefficient homes and apartment buildings, some developers like Marty Bhatia of OM Development, LLC in Chicago, convert them into energy efficient and environmentally friendly structures. Buyers are even provided with a manual that explains the building’s green features.

Green Products

Green building materials can be made from just about anything, including agricultural waste.

Environ Biocomposites produces a composite material made from recycled sunflower hulls known as Dakota Burl® which doesn’t emit harmful gases and can be used for a number of interior applications.

Kirei Board is an environmentally friendly product manufactured in China from sorghum stalks that remain after harvesting. The lightweight panels have an interesting grain pattern and can be used for anything from cabinets to flooring.

Conserving Water

A family of four uses on average 400 gallons of water a day, or almost 150,000 gallons a year.

Toilets are the largest user of water in the home. Older models require up to three times the water of new high efficiency toilets such as the Persuade™ and San Raphael™ from Kohler. Replacing an existing toilet can cut your home’s water usage by as much as 10,000 gallon a year.

Showers are another big water guzzler. Replacing a standard showerhead with a low-flow model, like the Kohler MasterShower® Ecofficient™, can save up to 20%.

Adding low-flow aerators to kitchen and bathroom faucets will help as well. Be sure to check with your local water provider to see if tax credits are available for installing water conservation devices.

Another way to cut down on water usage is by funneling the runoff from your roof to a storage tank for watering your lawn.

Some systems, such as the Deluxe Potable System from Rainwater Management Solutions, can even filter the water for use in your home.

If replacing bathroom fixtures or installing a rainwater collection system isn’t in your budget, you can still cut down on water usage by repairing leaks, limiting time in the shower, and washing only full loads of clothes and dishes.

Read about and watch Going Green, Part 2

Find out more at our Going Green webpage

Other Tips From This Episode

Installing a Programmable Thermostat

Ask Danny:
Installing a Programmable Thermostat

I’ve heard that if you install a digital thermostat it will lower your utility bills. Is that true? -Vicki from Spanish Fort

Installing a programmable digital thermostat allows your central system to reduce heating and cooling when the house is empty. While this can save up to 15% a year on utility bills, the actual amount will vary depending on how it is set and the amount of time the house is vacant each day. If you have a heat pump, use one of the newer hybrid thermostats that are designed to work with these systems.

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Narrowing Down Options For Front Porch Chairs

Yesterday, I was hard at work on the front porch again, taking full advantage of our gorgeous weather, and I finished up the ceiling. It took me a lot longer than I expected because I ended up caulking between each and every board before painting the second coat. That was tedious work, but I’m a perfectionist, and seeing the little cracks between those boards was driving me a bit crazy.

I ended up adding some white paint to the blue that I selected (Behr Air Blue), and then added just a touch of green by adding a little bit of Behr Mythic Forest (a dark teal that I’ve used inside our house in several places) to the mix. It turned out perfect!

Now I need to go back and touch up the white trim. Really, all of the white trim on the front porch could use a quick touch up.

I’m still working on the painting and repair projects, but of course, my mind is drifting to the fun decorating projects. And this year, I finally want to get some chairs for the front porch. This area by the windows is just calling for chairs, don’t you think?

I’ve looked high and low, searched on Amazon, Wayfair, Home Depot, and just about everywhere else I could think of, to find the perfect outdoor chairs for our front porch. Since the front porch is only 68 inches deep, I ruled out rocking chairs almost immediately. I knew I wanted some sort of outdoor rattan/wicker looking chairs with cushions. Beyond that, I wasn’t sure what I wanted.

But after looking at just about every possibility on the internet, I’ve narrowed it down to two options, both of which I found at Amazon. (These are affiliate links.)

The first style is one that I would consider more traditional. I love a dark wicker chair on a front porch. Don’t these look comfy? I love that they have those thick cushions, and not thin, wimpy cushions. This set of 2 chairs is $399.

I did a (very bad) mock up to see what they might look like on my front porch. I’m sure I didn’t get the proportions right, but I just wanted to get an general idea of what they would look like.

I like those a lot! My porch is 68 inches deep, and the chairs are 35 inches deep. So there would be 33 inches (three inches shy of three feet) between the chairs and the front edge of the porch. I think that’s plenty of space.

The second option has a distinctly more modern look, with an overall lighter and airier look to them. This pair costs $313.

These are 31.5 inches deep, so that would leave 36.5 inches between the chairs and the front edge of the porch. And here’s another very bad and out-of-proportion mockup 😀 …

So this seems to be a recurring theme with me, and has been for years. It’s a pull between traditional and modern. I love both, and I try to incorporate both into my decorating. But for the front porch, I just can’t make up my mind which direction I want to go. This is, after all, the first impression that people will have of our house. I want it to be a preview of what they’ll find inside. So which pair do you think gives a better preview of the interior of our house?

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Trend Alert: The Theme Is Green…

…my top picks from NET-A-PORTER

This post contains ad affiliate links (denoted by a ‘*’) & gifted items (denoted by ‘ad – gifted). You can read my full disclaimer here.

*This post contains a collaboration with NET-A-PORTER & loaned products

What did colour ever do to you?‘ is a comment I get often and it’s one that makes me chuckle because it’s true – what DID colour ever do to me for me to shun it so hard!? The truth is I just love a neutral – always have, always will. I’ve been wearing head-to-toe black since I was a teen and I can’t see me stopping anytime soon. However there is one colour that is creeping in and that’s green. Particularly that soft sage-y tone. I’m into it. My Toteme Draped Fringed Coat*? The Loewe Puzzle Leather Shoulder Bag in Avocado Green*? Fast favourites in my wardrobe. So I’ve rounded up my top picks from NET-A-PORTER* for if you too are feeling the green theme…

SLVRLAKE Grace High-Rise Wide Leg Jeans* – I’m just really into a wide-leg jean at the moment. They are so flattering and paired with your favourite trainer and plain white tee it’s just perfection. You’re done – sorted! Go out and enjoy your day!

James Perse Slub Cotton-Jersey Top* – This brand do basics really well. The kind of basics that make you want to re-do the basics section of your wardrobe, you know the type? Perfect cuts, perfect fits and fabrics that are buttery soft.

Reformation Ilyse Silk-Satin Mini Dress* – The mini-est of dresses, I have to admit they are my favourite genre of dress! Go with knee-high boots and a hefty coat in the winter, or just wear it with some chunky sandals and a jute tote in the summer and you’re sorted.

Toteme Strapless Sateen Top* – On my forever quest to find the perfect ‘going out’ top, I feel like this is pretty high on the list. Imagine this with some vintage-fit jeans and a strap-heavy heel. Slicked back bun and a bold gold hoop and that’s a look right there.

Staud Alec Glossed-Leather Shoulder Bag* – The shape of this bag is just doing it for me right now. It’s my nod to the ’90’s trend and is pretty practical too because you can fit a fair amount of handbag bumf into it.


Photos by Mark Newton

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Kitchen Renovation Update: Floors, Cabinets, Sink, Hardware and More!

Today I have a kitchen renovation update for you! Things have been moving right along over the past two weeks! The addition is also coming along but more of the attention recently went to the interior projects. The next two weeks will be fun to see as the addition will start to take shape, too! I promise to share more in an upcoming post.

The fun thing about this project so far is there has been a LOT of progress already! Yet there are still so many details and design elements we are looking forward to (such as trim pieces, crown molding, glass doors, bookcases, lighting and ceilings!). We are very pleased with how beautifully it’s coming together already, so we’re feeling very good about each decision.

I will share more specifics on our design decision process in future posts, but for now I wanted to give you a peek at where we’re at so far and a few hints as to what is to come!

Kitchen Renovation Update: Floors, Cabinets, Sink, Hardware and More!
Freestanding kitchen island (from our old kitchen)


Once the interior spaces were gutted (kitchen, dining room and living room/entry flooring) the new European White Oak flooring went it. It’s STUNNING! We are thrilled with the casual beachy look and feel the floors brought to our home. The first thing we noticed was the pleasing indoor outdoor connection we felt between the wood tones inside and the organic beauty of our surroundings.

Kitchen Renovation Update: Floors, Cabinets, Sink, Hardware and More!


The existing windows from the back of our home were relocated to the new dining room. Not only did this change bring in so much more light, we also got a new unexpected water view! In my last update I had said the windows were for light and no view would be opened up, but I WAS WRONG!

While it’s not a sweeping view from that side further back on our home, any view of the water and islands beyond makes me happy. Plus, this new view can be easily seen through the dining room windows as you walk around the kitchen, so it’s a pretty fun surprise!

It isn’t easy to show the new view in a photo or video, and we definitely need to trim a large bush that is blocking probably half of it, but you can kind of see it below! Once the bush is trimmed down a bit it’ll be more apparent. I love to get a glimpse of water as I walk through the house, simple joys for this sea-loving gal :).

Kitchen Renovation Update: Floors, Cabinets, Sink, Hardware and More!

Right below the windows our new dining bench (with drawers below) was installed. Not yet in are the two bookcases, one will be on each side. I wanted to add a few spots with open storage/display for books or seasonal pieces. And of course we can’t wait to add a comfy bench cushion and have fun with color, pattern and seasonal pillows, too. I’m really loving the arrangement here as each room feels like an extension of the others, but also has a sense of its own unique place in the home.

Kitchen Renovation Update: Floors, Cabinets, Sink, Hardware and More!
Faucet Details // Farmhouse Sink


The new sink was set into place so the counter people could come measure! I’m in love. I don’t know if I’m the only weirdo who does this but as soon as the contractors leave every day, I’m walking around gazing at everything, setting up little vignettes because I love seeing all the PRETTY things together! I shared the details about our faucet in this post.

Kitchen Renovation Update: Floors, Cabinets, Sink, Hardware and More!


I am in love with the cabinets. They turned out just as I dreamed they would! They just feel so homey, light and happy, and have beautiful details (many of which aren’t even in yet!). We chose traditional cabinetry with a mix of styles and details like beadboard, inset drawers and doors, slab and beaded shaker profiles.

The finish is so smooth and GORGEOUS, I’m really happy with them. There are more cabinetry details to come like some feet and trim pieces, brackets, glass doors and a pretty dish display area, too.

We’re also thrilled with how the layout feels to be in the space. We didn’t have a lot of walls to work with as it has wall to wall doors/windows on one side and the opening to the dining room on the other, but it is coming together just exactly as I wanted it to. It just feels so cozy and inviting! We also made the most of our storage and counter space, too, which was important to us in a smaller home!

Our floors are covered but I found a few discarded scraps to lay out along with other elements that will be represented in the space. It’s fun to dream about each new element that will be added!

Kitchen Renovation Update: Floors, Cabinets, Sink, Hardware and More!

Speaking of the cabinets and layout, I’m so glad we put the sink here. The windows you can see all around are just lovely as is the light that comes in. I love that you can look over and see the dining area, too. Lifting and widening the two openings between these rooms really was a dramatic change that we’re loving, too. (By the way, I shared our kitchen design floor plans in this post if you want to look back at the before and plans.)

Kitchen Renovation Update: Floors, Cabinets, Sink, Hardware and More!

The Queen Bee Range Wall:

While the Queen herself has not yet be set on her throne here :), this little art represents her color palette. I’m excited for the pop of color! We’re still missing one cabinet that goes on the right and the hood and some other details here, but I can already tell Beatrix will be so pretty and fit right in.

I shared more about our stove choice (lovingly named Beatrix, ha!) in this post.

Kitchen Renovation Update: Floors, Cabinets, Sink, Hardware and More!

This cabinet wall is going to be special too, you can only see part of it so far :). You can see the spot for the fridge to the right of this space, too.

Kitchen Renovation Update: Floors, Cabinets, Sink, Hardware and More!


The hardware arrived, too (along with our lights!). We love it! I wanted a timeless classic look for our kitchen, so we chose a mix of traditional hardware with a warm antique brass finish that is just so beautiful (as well as glass knobs and some touches of nickel).

Sources: Oval Knob // Drawer Pull // Appliance Pull // Glass Knob // Bin Pull // Cupboard Latch

I don’t have photos of the lights yet, but you can see them HERE (and our whole kitchen design mood board here).

Kitchen Renovation Update: Floors, Cabinets, Sink, Hardware and More!

We ordered these adorable coastal solar lights for outside, I just love them! Next I have to choose exterior lights for our new back porch!

So much more to come, but I hope you enjoyed this peek at our renovation! I can’t wait to share more about the addition, too.

I try to share regular updates on my Instagram, so if you like to keep up with the dailies, that’s a good place to be.

More Posts about Our Kitchen Remodel:

My New Kitchen Floor Plan + Parents’ Addition and Exterior Elevation

Our New Kitchen Design Mood Board (and five questions that helped me make decisions!)

Adding Character in a Kitchen Remodel: The Tale of Our New Range and Faucet

Kitchen and Dining Room Renovation Update! Projects Have Begun!

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South Africa chase T20-record 259 to win West Indies run-fest at Centurion | Cricket News

South Africa completed the highest successful chase in T20 cricket of 259 as they beat West Indies by six wickets in a record-breaking run-fest at Centurion.

Quinton de Kock (100 off 44) smashed a 15-ball fifty and a 43-ball hundred as South Africa topped West Indies’ 258-5 with seven balls to spare.

The match is the highest-scoring in the history of T20 cricket, with 517 runs amassed across the course of a remarkable encounter at SuperSport Park.

Johnson Charles (118 off 46) had earlier plundered a West Indies-record 39-ball hundred in men’s T20s, eclipsing Chris Gayle’s 47-ball effort against England during the 2016 T20 World Cup in India.

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Johnson Charles broke Chris Gayle’s record for the fastest T20I hundred by a West Indies men’s player after reaching three figures from just 39 balls

Charles’ 11 sixes and 10 fours, plus Kyle Mayers’ 51 off 27 balls and Romario Shepherd’s unbeaten 41 off 18, powered West Indies to their highest score in T20 internationals.

However, that proved an inferior total as De Kock and Reeza Hendricks (68 off 28) put on 152 inside 11 overs for the first wicket, before Aiden Markram (38no off 21) and Heinrich Klaasen (16no off 7) smoked the Proteas to a stunning win.

De Kock said: “I said to Reeza afterwards that we did something special out there. I’ve been looking for a T20 century for a while and to do it at my home ground was something special.”

South Africa raced to 92-0 after five overs and were then 149-0 after 10, with De Kock on 99 from 41 balls at the halfway stage of the chase and opening partner Hendricks 45 not out off 19.

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Johnson Charles hit 11 sixes on his way to breaking Chris Gayle’s record for the fastest T20 hundred. A spectator in the stands held on to the first one with a very impressive catch

De Kock top-edged behind in the 11th over shortly after completing his maiden T20I century; Rilee Rossouw (16 off 4) fell in the next having hit two sixes and a four; and Hendricks departed in the 13th as West Indies began to fight back.

South Africa’s requirement was 41 from 24 balls after a 16th over in which David Miller (10) was dismissed by Jason Holder, only for Markram to hit two fours and a six in Raymon Reifer’s 18-run 16th before Holder’s 18th was flogged for 14 by Markram and Klaasen.

West Indies captain Rovman Powell said: “It was a pretty crazy game. When we came out to bowl we thought we had done enough. They applied the pressure from ball one and we didn’t respond.”

The Proteas surpassed both the previous international and domestic T20 run chase records on their way to 259, surpassing Bulgaria’s 246-4 to beat Serbia in June of last year and the 248-4 made by Central Districts against Otago in New Zealand’s domestic competition in December 2016.

South Africa levelled the three-match series against West Indies at 1-1, with Tuesday’s third and final fixture in Johannesburg, live on Sky Sports, now a decider.

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Organize and Transport Tools Anywhere with This Portable Toolbox

Ridgid 2.0 Pro Gear System 22-inch toolbox stacked on top of another one
Organizing and transporting your tools for your DIY projects is easy with the Ridgid 2.0 Pro Gear System 22-inch toolbox. (The Home Depot)

The difficult thing about having a lot of tools is keeping up with them. Some people have a great organization system for their garage or shop, but that goes out the window when they need their tools somewhere else. This is where a portable toolbox comes in handy.

Ridgid’s new and improved 2.0 Gear System keeps your gear organized wherever you go. 

This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product from these links, we will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

Hands holding onto the side handles of a Ridgid 2.0 Pro Gear System 22-inch portable toolbox
The heavy-duty latches and handle on Ridgid’s 2.0 Pro Gear System portable toolbox allow for a firm grip when you’re on the go. (The Home Depot)

Organization On-The-Go

The Ridgid 2.0 Pro Gear System 22-inch toolbox’s newly perfected 2.0 attach and detach design allows for effortless transport and storage. Its heavy-duty latches and handle allow for a firm grip when you’re on the go.

Integrated organizers inside the portable toolbox keep small parts at hand and a removable utility tray is a perfect solution for bringing only the tools you need to your job site. 

A padlock eye keeps your tools safe, and a water and dust seal keeps them clean and dry when you’re out of the shop.

Ridgid 2.0 Pro Gear System 22-inch portable toolbox hanging on wall studs
Wall hanger brackets are included to keep your Ridgid 2.0 Tool Box stored professionally. (The Home Depot)

Stationary Storage

In the shop, you can install the system’s wall hanging mounts on 16-inch centered studs and hang each box directly on the wall.  

The included Pro Gear Mount gives you full access to the box, even when it’s hung.

Listen to learn all about this Best New Product!

Find the Ridgid 2.0 Pro Gear System 22-inch toolbox at The Home Depot

Further Reading

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Home Gym Progress – It’s Almost There!

First things first. Thank you so much for all of your feedback about the studio cabinets! I haven’t had a chance to read through all of them yet, but I’ve read about 75% of them, and I’m starting to get some clarity on what I want. I’ve narrowed it down to three options, and I’m going to try to do some mock ups this weekend to narrow those three down to the best option. All three options include white upper cabinets, but differ on the color of the lower cabinets. I’m leaning very strongly in one direction, so the mock ups should clarify everything and make the decision very easy.

Now on to the home gym progress. I’ve been checking things off of my punch list, and I’m really feeling like I’m on the home stretch now, so that’s exciting.

If you’ll remember, I ordered four frames from Michael’s, and they all arrived broken or damaged. Every single one of them. So they shipped me four more, and these arrived safely. So I got those stained last night. I wanted them to be walnut to match my WaterRower and dresser. I had already stained two of the frames Dark Walnut, but I wasn’t really satisfied with that color. It turned out way darker than the actual walnut in the room. You can see that stain color on the two frames in the picture below.

So I ended up sanding that stain color off of those frames, and using Varathane Special Walnut on all six frames. The color was much better, and a truer walnut color, but it was still too light and too red.

I finally added just a little bit (maybe a teaspoon) of Dark Walnut to the Special Walnut and mixed those together thoroughly. They were different brands, but both oil-based, so they mixed together just fine.

I gave the frames a light sanding with 220-grit sandpaper and then applied a second coat with the mixed stain, and it ended up looking very close to the real walnut. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty close!

I left them to dry overnight, and I will be able to get the pictures framed and hung today.

I got my neon “Sweat The Crazy Out” sign this week, and was very anxious to get it hung in the closet area. I absolutely LOVE it! 😀 I ordered the gold yellow color, but I’m pretty sure they sent me orange. I don’t care, though. The orange on the sign (when the sign is turned on) is actually the same orange on my Bellicon rebounder. So that worked out perfectly.

I also got the TV hung on the wall, so now I just need to wrangle the cords. And as you can see in the picture above, I had an idea to add metal shelves on wheels to each side of the dresser and TV. I thought that might be a better use of space, and then I’d find a place to hang the mirrors in the main part of the room.

Well, I didn’t like how the shelves looked in there. And while I do think that shelves would be helpful, I don’t think that I need that much shelf space in this room. So I’ve decided to use the shelves in the storage closet in my studio, and I’m going back to the plan of hanging the mirrors on either side of the dresser.

I do want some shelves in there, though. So I’ve decided to add some shelves at the ends of the closet going perpendicular to the back long wall of the closet, as shown below. (That picture probably would have been clearer to understand had I not leaned the mirror against the end wall, but hopefully you can understand what I’m talking about.)

So things are starting to wind down in here. The biggest things I still need to do are to paint Matt’s exercise bike, and then to stain the bars for the Swedish ladder and get it installed. There are still lots of little projects, but I’m calling in reinforcements on at least one of them. My mom has said that she’ll hem my curtains for me, so that will be a big help. And then I’m thinking about hiring a handyman to come and install the ceiling fan and light in the entry. Those are just busy work kind of projects that I can hand over to someone else so that I can focus on other things and move this process along faster. But it’s getting there!

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Simple Steps to Become a Qualified Accountant

In this blog, we discuss the reasons why you should pursue a career in accounting and the steps you need to take to become an experienced accountant.

Despite its abundance of opportunities, best aat accounting training can appear to be a challenging field to enter. How much time does it take to become an accountant? And when you become one, what advantages can you anticipate?

This blog looks at the reasons why you should think about becoming an accountant and the steps you need to take to get there.

Choose Your Path Before

beginning your search for a career in accounting, you should decide which level of education is best for you. There are many options, with ACCA and CIMA being two of the most well-known.

The ACCA is widely recognized. It is one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing accounting degrees. If you think you might like to work in a variety of roles, the ACCA certification is a great option.

The ACCA qualification can help you get work in public or private accounting. Alternately, you could start your own accounting firm.

People who want to work as management accountants will do best with the CIMA certification. In particular, pursuing a CIMA certification might be your best option if you want to work for a company.

Know Your Exemptions

The ACCA and CIMA want to give you credit for your previous knowledge and abilities. By allowing you to skip portions of the exams, knowing if you are eligible for exemptions and which ones to look for will help you study more efficiently.

As a result, you will be able to begin your job search and obtain certification more quickly.

Exemptions from the ACCA : The ACCA may grant exemptions to nine Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams and Foundation level qualifications. Unfortunately, you will not be eligible for a work-related exemption.

Before claiming an exemption, you should carefully consider your eligibility. After all, the information you acquire through study can assist you in passing the more difficult tests that lie ahead of you.

It might be in your best interest to study for that portion of the test regardless of whether you qualify for an exemption or not.

CIMA Exemptions : You may be exempt from taking the CIMA exams if you have a degree or other qualifications. You can look through a database on their website to see if you qualify.

The majority of qualifications are based on your degree. However, if you are a member of ICMAP or possess another relevant qualification, you may also be eligible for an exemption.

Studying online can help you pass your professional accounting exams. Let’s collaborate to get you qualified quickly!

Select a Program

Prior to beginning your exam preparation, you will need to select a program. You will have a lot of choices, whether you want an online program or a traditional learning environment.

Think about how adaptable your learning needs to be. An online study program might be best for you if you need to study on your own time or have an unpredictable schedule. However, you can benefit from live discussions and social interactions if you are able to attend class on time.