The Major Killers of Freshwater Aquarium Fish

Any article you read on keeping an aquarium will emphasize the necessity of maintaining a clean tank. This is because the most common killers of fish come partially from an unclean tank and sneak up on your fish silently. Regular maintenance of your aquarium will help prevent the three major killers of freshwater aquarium fish from making an appearance.

The number one killer is ammonia poisoning. Ammonia poisoning occurs when ammonia levels in the water rise. This usually happens when you set up a new tank, or when a mechanical filter fails, or when colonies of good bacteria die due to fish medications or changes in the water chemistry. The symptoms of ammonia poisoning on your fish are: purple or red gills, fish go to the surface gasping for air, lethargy, loss of appetite, fish lying at the bottom of the tank, and red streaks on their fins or body. To treat for this disease, bring the water’s pH balance to 7.0 or lower, change 25-50% of the water, discontinue or reduce feeding so less waste is created and use chemicals to neutralize ammonia. There are steps for prevention you can take to make sure this never happens again. Stock a new tank slowly and do not introduce too many new fish at once. Test the water regularly, especially when adding new fish, medicate sick fish and repair your filter quickly when failure occurs. You can probably guess the final prevention advice -remove uneaten food and change water regularly!

After ammonia levels elevate, nitrate levels follow. This causes nitrate poisoning in your fish. Nitrate poisoning is also referred to as “brown blood disease.” A fish’s blood turns brown because of an increase in methemoglobin. The blood is then rendered unable to carry oxygen. Symptoms of nitrate poisoning are tan or brown gills, rapid gill movement, listlessness, and again you will see fish near the water’s surface gasping for air. To treat your fish for nitrate poisoning, do a large water change (75-100%), Add salt (preferably chlorine salt), reduce feeding, and increase aeration. The salt idea sounds strange for a freshwater aquarium, but surprisingly salt prevents methemoglobin from building up. As always, there are cautionary steps you can take to prevent nitrate poisoning from occurring. The preventative actions you should take for nitrate poisoning are actually the same as they are for ammonia poisoning. Clean your tank, clean your tank, clean you tank!

Finally, the most common killer or freshwater aquarium fish is algae. Algae is the greenish fog that appears in the aquarium’s water. Algae grow when an excess of nutrients is provided. Over growths of algae can occur when a light is left on, by overfeeding the fish, and not changing the water in the tank. To treat for overgrowth of algae, change 100% of the water and clean the tank. This can be prevented by feeding the fish sparingly, changing and cleaning the tank on a regular basis, getting snails or crabs that eat algae, and by having plants in your aquarium so they soak up nutrients.

The need to keep a clean fish tank can not be stressed enough. Keep your fish healthy and your aquarium pretty – the number one preventative measure for the major killers of your freshwater aquarium fish is to maintain a clean aquarium!

Source by Garry-Ian Macdonald

Eleuthera Island in Bahamas – What’s So Special About It?

My wife and I have lived in Eleuthera for over 9 years and we’re still loving it. It didn’t take us long to realize that the moderate subtropical climate of the Bahamas would be just right for us. Yes, we stay here every Winter and sometimes even in the Summer because we own a home and a cottage in Central Eleuthera.

But before I’ll tell you how very special this island is… Well, do you know it’s only an hour by air from Florida, meaning Miami or Fort Lauderdale? No, you didn’t?…

OK, that’s a good reason to tell you the most important fact about Eleuthera right now — this long and narrow island is the greatest place for total relaxation… A heaven of peace and tranquility. Particularly for couples, families, snorkelers and anglers. Why?…

The Most Gorgeous Pink Sand Beaches

The number of spectacular and deserted beaches is truly impressive. So you are getting both… the beauty of the beaches and the beauty of the underwater world if you’re a snorkeler.

And rental places abound because many foreigners – mainly from the US – are renting out their homes or guest cottages. Simply put the two search words eleuthera and rental into Google and you’ll find a wide choice of rental homes..

Hotels? Hard to believe but on the entire island there are only three hotels directly on the water. The one in the North near Gregory Town is the newly renovated Cove Eleuthera.

In the area of Central Eleuthera there are just two hotels directly on the water, namely… the charming Italian Resort Cocodimama with 12 rooms. It’s on the left side of Eleuthera near GHB airport. And the other hotel with 8 rooms – Unique Village – is on the right side in North Palmetto Point. That’s the Atlantic side with all the fine pink sand beaches.

Eleuthera’s Unusual Shape and its Friendly Folks

Eleuthera is 100 miles long and a quarter to 4 miles wide. Its population is only about 9’000. And Eleutherans – the English-speaking natives – are very friendly. Let me give you an example…

When we first arrived at Governor’s Harbour airport, we were driven to the settlement Governor’s Harbour, 9 miles south of the airport GHB. And what did we see?… An almost straight road across gently rolling hills looking like a roller coaster and… bush, bush, nothing but bush on either side.

As we entered the small town of Governor’s Harbour, all the locals waved at us. *You must be a very well known person*, I said. *Oh, no, this is just the way people are here* she told me. And so it is still today when we’re driving to town.

What can you expect?

Crystal clear turquoise waters, awe-inspiring pink sand beaches and pure air. Little traffic which by the way is left-hand traffic just like in England. The Bahamas were a British colony after all. That’s why the children still greet you with a friendly *Good afternoon, sir*.

What else can you expect? There’s a few grocery stores with quite a good selection but nothing to compare with the US. Well, maybe with this one exception… in Rock Sound – South-Eleuthera – there’s the largest grocery store on the island with a good choice of fruits and vegetables.

Most repeat visitors to Eleuthera bring frozen meat. Don’t pack any vegetables, though or fruit, because customs will confiscate them. Visitors also bring their prescription medicine because there are no island pharmacies.

Restaurants?… You will find all kinds of restaurants but of course not as many as in really touristy places. Bahamian cuisine, Italian or Chinese… yes, they’re all there.

Eleuthera Is Developing At A Faster Pace Now

Since The New York Times published articles about Eleuthera in the Winter of 2005/2006, a couple of five star resorts started going up. They’re still under construction – Summer 2007 – but will start operating in 2008. The most important one is Cotton Bay in South Eleuthera.

This doesn’t bother us Winter residents though, because they’re small resorts. Nothing to do with mass tourism. Believe me that’s the essence of Eleuthera, peace and tranquility and a private home to really enjoy your privacy.

Source by Dieter Schoop