My Favorite Mugs for Cozy Mornings

I am often told I have a talent for finding the cutest mugs! It’s hard to resist one when I see it. Selecting my morning mug or asking my guests which one they want is a long standing tradition around our house. Since I’m often asked where the mugs are from I wanted to share an updated round up today of some of my new and long time favorites!

Cheers to cozy fall drinks in cute mugs!

Sources: 1. Floral Stoneware Mugs // 2. Blue and White Striped Mugs // 3. Homebody Mug // 4. Botanical Mugs // 5. Blue and White Pattern Mug // 6. Blue and White Smaller Mugs // 7. Blue and White Set of 4 Mugs

These botanical mugs (dark green and brown) were love at first sight recently…they made me think of fall!

I adore these striped mugs and the pretty saucers, too.

Calling all HomeBodies! This homebody mug is my own cozy mug that I don’t share with others haha.

These mugs are my newest set. They are a really nice heavy stoneware. They come in a set of six, three colors (they’d make a great gift too if you get a set and split them up!). Each color is beautiful, I love choosing which color I’m in the mood for. I’m excited to have a set of these beauties for fall family gatherings.

Blue and White Mug // More Sources – scalloped wicker basket tray, napkins, picture frame, crock // Art Details and More Coastal Art

Love the hand painted designs on these blue and white mugs! They come in a set of 4 with varying patterns.

How We Make Our Coffee in a Stovetop Espresso Maker

12+ Practical & Pretty Kitchen Items I Love

A Lovely Life: Making Pour Over Coffee with a Copper Kettle

My Favorite Coffee Making Tools, Milk Frother, Favorite Coffee Beans, Tea and More

Get Inspired by More Fall Nesting Posts!

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A Guest Bathroom Off Of The Kitchen? (Is That Strange?)

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t like playing around with floor plans and considering all (and I do mean aaaalllllllllll) of the possibilities, these next few weeks may drive you absolutely crazy. You may want to check out for a while and check back in a few weeks to see if I’m past this phase and have moved on to actually implementing a plan.

Because right now, all I can do is think about the possibilities. My brain will not stop. I wake up in the morning thinking about possibilities. I consider them all day as I’m working. My mom and I talked about them at lunch yesterday. I talked about them with friends last night. I go to bed at night thinking about them.

I get so excited about trying out different layouts and thinking about the different suggestions that people give me. And y’all gave me a whole lot to think about on Monday’s post. And there was one suggestion in particular that caught my attention, and I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind. The suggestion was to move the guest bathroom into the pantry area.

I’m sure at some point, someone else probably suggested this, and I dismissed it immediately because, again, that floor is a concrete slab foundation. So doing anything in there that requires plumbing will be cost more, take longer, and be a big disruption to our lives. So it’s very possible that someone mentioned it before, and I wrote it off without any thought. I can’t even explain why I’ll write off a suggestion over and over again, and then it takes that one last time of someone suggesting it, and I decide to consider it. No one can explain how my mind works, least of all me. 😀

But when I read this suggestion, I decided to try it out. I wasn’t even sure what problems (if any) that change would solve, but the idea intrigued me, so I gave it a go. I decided immediately that it would have to be a full bathroom. If someone ever needed to stay with Matt, I could have a sleeper sofa in the TV room, but I would hate for them to have to use our bathroom. So this guest bathroom would need to have a shower.

Also, it would need to be accessible via the kitchen because I don’t want so many doorways in the TV room. I need at least one solid, uninterrupted wall. Plus, it’s just weird for guests to have to use a bathroom that’s accessible through a door right there in the area where people are gathered. You usually want it to be removed from the main room a little bit, at least. That’s why they’re usually off of a hallway.

So if I did this, it would look something like this. Don’t pay too much attentino to the arrangement of the actual bathroom. I didn’t give that much thought yet. But the general placement of the bathroom would look like this.

So my question is this. How weird is it to have a guest bathroom off of the kitchen? I know I’ve seen it before, but they’re mainly powder bathrooms. And even at that, I don’t know how common that is. So you tell me. Is it strange to have a bathroom off of a kitchen?

I’ve just never lived in a home with a bathroom off of the kitchen, so I’m not sure how I feel about that. What I do love about that idea is that it gets all of the “public” areas of the house over on one side. It makes sense to have the guest bathroom closer to the TV room, the dining room, and the kitchen. And I also love that with the bathroom moved, I would have these areas freed up to arrange how I need them to be arranged.

The areas I’m trying to work into this floor plan are (1) guest bathroom, (2) laundry room, (3) lots of closet space, (4) a workout area. And what I love about the idea of moving the guest bathroom out of its current location and moving it closer to the other “public” areas of the house is that it would basically make all of this area in pink the master suite. None of this would be “public” anymore. This entire end of the house would be master suite for me to arrange in the way that best suits us. That would leave the laundry room, lots of closet space, and a workout area that I’d need to fit into these areas.

And if it helps, I could even possibly take the wall down between the current hallway and hallway bathroom to make a more open area in the master suite entrance.

I’m just brainstorming here, so I don’t know if that’s possible. I’d have to get up into the attic and see if that’s a load-bearing wall. I kind of think it is, so I don’t know what would have to be done in order to open that up completely. But it sure would make a nice workout area. And it would make sense to have it there as part of the master suite.

But my main question for today is about the placement of the guest bathroom off of the kitchen. Again, I know I’ve seen powder baths off of kitchens before. Do you think that’s strange? Have you had a house with that arrangement before? Tell me your thoughts on that.



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Lanolips 12-Hour Overnight Lip Mask Review

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] I know that it’s very much a first world problem, but when I’m testing lots of lipsticks, particularly mattes, I have to prep my eternally dry lips at least the night before, if not a couple of days beforehand if I don’t want flakiness that lasts a week.

It’s not so much the wearing that does the damage, it’s the repeated taking on and off that does the damage. I’m fairly new to the Lanolips 12-Hour Overnight Lip Mask but goodness, it’s a workhorse. With any lip balm, the main thing it’s doing is preventing moisture leaving your lips because the more you can hold on to, the better your lips will look and feel. The top-dressing is the ingredients that actually make the lip skin feel and look smoother.

It reminds me – in looks only – of TCP ointment! Thankfully, this has nothing much of a smell to it but is thick enough to hold its place overnight. I could still feel it on my lips in the morning and, thanks to ceramides and hyaluronic acid (maybe), they looked a darn sight better than usual. I’d cite Lanolips 12-Hour Overnight Lip Mask as a winter must have if that’s the time that your lips are particularly dry – same old story for all of us I think with central heating and cold weather being the main culprits for dry lips. You should make an effort to stay hydrated but you’d need to drink a bath full for it to make a visible difference – it’s kind of more about maintenance than actively trying to drink your way out of dry lips. Anyway, for £13 of your pounds I think it’s a great little product and I like it! You can find it HERE.

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Our DIY No Sew Bench Cushion (Easy + Affordable!)

This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy here

Sources: plaid blankets // Bamboo Shades (see more details and close up photo of color in this post) // more sources at end

While my intention was always to have an upholstered seat cushion made for our dining bench, I didn’t want to rush into it! It’s expensive to have a custom cover made so I wanted to give myself some time to decide what fabric to use. Meanwhile, I found a much simpler and more affordable DIY no sew bench cushion solution that has worked out great. Today I am finally sharing it with you!

Last year, late one evening, my daughter Courtney and I made our DIY no sew bench cushion with this foam and this tool. I took a few photos (even though it was dark out!) so you can see what the foam and the tool looks like.

The foam I used doesn’t have flame retardants in it, which is important especially if you plan to sleep on your foam cushion. I see they now offer custom sizes too so I may get a new foam so I don’t have to use two pieces.

By the way, I will list more sources from this room the end of the post.

This knife made it easy to cut the foam.

All you have to do is order the foam size you need (from that link you can find many custom sizes from this same company), use the tool to cut it to fit (or use a saw if you have one that will work). Our bench is shallower than the foam so we first just laid it out where it needed to go and then used a pen and ruler to figure out where to cut it.

It didn’t have to be cut perfectly as long as it was fairly straight and fit into the spot we have for the cushion. We used two pieces to make it fit all the way across since our bench is very long, but like I said now they have longer pieces available so two wouldn’t be necessary.

Then you can toss a throw or whatever size blanket you need over it!

I’ve been telling you about these washable plaid blankets that I’ve recently fallen in love with — I got two more because I realized they would be the most perfect cozy fall “cover” for my dining bench! They come in other pretty colors, too (see them all here).

This bench seat hack was actually my parents’ idea — I think it was brilliant! I looked for a pre-made cushion, too, but the length we needed was too long for most ready-made options. The beauty of cutting your own foam is that you can make it whatever size you need!

My blankets haven’t been washed yet but when they are the creases will come out. I couldn’t wait to try them here! I used two throws.

I just tucked some of the edges in the back and sides. Our dining bench has a ledge / lip on it to keep the cushion from falling off so we could tuck the blanket in on the front too, but I think it is easier to just leave the throw hanging over the edge. We have drawers so as long as we don’t let it hang down too far it easy to open drawers.

You can change up the look for a new season with any quilt or blanket (be sure to get a narrow one if your bench is shallower like mine). I usually use these patterned reversible washable blankets!

I love the weight, colors and pattern of these wool blankets! So cozy!

You all know I’m usually not too excited about or skilled with DIY’s, but trust me. This one was easy enough for even someone like me. I was motivated to finish the bench in our dining room so we could actually use it (isn’t that the point of what we do at home?) but the savings and quick fix of this option made it worth trying before investing in a custom seat. I’m so glad we did.

Another benefit of this idea is with washable blankets you aren’t worried about people (or little grande babes!) actually sitting on the bench to eat. If they spill, no problem! You can just toss the blanket in the wash.

Even if I do eventually get my custom cushion, I will likely want to cover it with a blanket anyway so I realized I might as well start with something like this! Honestly I’m not a high end fancy pants gal who must have perfect everything, so anything casual and practical but still charming like this makes it feel like our home.

We have another bench in our living room which we use for seating (and changing babies LOL) every time our family comes over. This one already had a custom cushion and cover on it, but I still use throws to give it different looks. Right now this cushion is “wrapped” with this thin reversible blanket and the plaid is of course just laying over top as an accent. I just think it’s fun to be able to change the look of it so easily and affordably.

Now that I’ve lived with our DIY dining bench cushion for almost a year now, I might wait a couple more years on a custom bench seat!

Foam for bench

Cutting tool for bench

Bamboo Shades (see more details and close up photo of color in this post)

Plaid Blanket

Patterned Rug (Ocean/Gold color)

Blue and White Pot on Table

Braided Placemats on Table

Patterned Pillow on Dining Bench

Striped Shams on Dining Bench

Jute Wrapped Chandelier with Shades (lots of shade options)

Rattan Dining Chairs – Similar mine were from here but out of stock

Favorite Home & Garden Coffee Table Books on shelves

Blue Striped Slipcovers (Downey Blue fabric)

Parsons Dining Chairs

Brass Wall Sconce

Living Room Rug

Find more sources from my home here in My Shop!

Pin for later!

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Our Whole House Standby Generator Decision (And Why We Decided Not To Get One)

It’s been a while since I shared with y’all about the quote we got for a whole house generator. We wanted to go with the Generac brand, and the quote (including the cost of the generator, the installation, and a couple of electrical issues that would need to be brought up to code for the installation to pass inspection) came to just over $21,000.

Of course, we weren’t thrilled with that price, but we were going to make it work if that was the best option. So we were going to take time to mull it over and make sure that it was really the right decision.

But then, just a couple of weeks after we got that quote, Hurrican Beryl hit Houston. I was checking in regularly with my friend who lives in a suburb of Houston to make sure that she and her family were staying safe. They were fine, but they were left without electricity for a few days. Prior to that, my friend had told her husband that she absolutely wanted a whole house standby generator. There was no question about it, and she was willing to pay any price for it. She didn’t care how much it cost just as long as she as their family of four, including two teenage boys, wouldn’t be left without electricity for days on end.

Then Beryl hit, and they were left without electricity. But do you know who else was left without electricity? About half of the people in their subdivision who had whole house standby generators. She was shocked, and so was I when she told me about it. They live in a very nice subdivision in a Houston suburb. These are people who paid the thousands of dollars to have the whole house standby generator installed, and who have the annual maintenance plan to make sure the generator is ready in case of emergency. And then when they actually needed them in the aftermath of a hurricane, half of them were left with malfunctioning generators and no electricity.

Ever since then, she and I (and her husband) have been coming up with new plans, exchanging ideas, and sharing various products that we might find useful if the need arises again in the future. Here’s the plan that Matt and I have decided on instead of a whole house standby generator.

First up, we bought a Jackery. A Jackery is a solar-powered generator, and the company has all different sizes for various purposes. They have everything from big whole house generators to small portable generators that you can take camping. After doing a lot of comparing, we ended up selecting the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus. We purchased it during Amazong Prime days, and it was 50% off, even though we didn’t purchase it on Amazon. We purchased it through the Jackery website. Here’s what it looks like…

We selected this one because it’s the second largest one they have, and they’re expandable, meaning that if we find we need more, longer-lasting power, we can add more stackable battery packs to it. This one came with two of these solar chargers. You can see how huge it is compared to the music room settee.

I also really like that a Jackery can be charging while it’s being used, just as long as the power coming in is greater than the power going out. And the display on the front of the generator keeps track of that so you can see exactly what’s coming in and going out.

I wanted this because I like the idea of having a generator that can be safely used inside the house. It doesn’t produce any kind of exhaust, so it doesn’t have to stay outside. So this is a good backup to have.

I searched and researched generators for days before deciding on this one. The factors that pushed me towards this one were (1) the customer ratings (a 4.8 star rating out of 2779 customer reviews), and (2) that it’s a tri-fuel generator. For now, we will keep gasoline on hand in case we need it. But in the very near future (as in, hopefully this month, but definitely before this winter), we are going to have a plumber come out and install a natural gas hookup line so that we can use that to power the generator if and when we need it.

I feel relieved to have made this decision. I think we’ll have what we’ll need, and it didn’t cost anywhere near $21,000. That main thing is that in an emergency, we need to be able to heat or cool (depending on the time of year) one room in our house so that Matt can be comfortable. As long as we can close the bedroom door and have a portable air condition or portable space heater keeping that one room comfortable for him, as well as some power for a lamp or two, and maybe a laptop computer, and our refrigerator, we can last for days.

I am still considering purchasing this small Honda generator just to have a small backup generator on hand.

My Houston friend said that her sister (who also had no electricity because of the hurricane) used this Honda generator to power a portable air conditioner, and it worked great. She was especially impressed with it because it’s very quiet compared to the big noisy gas-powered generators. So that’s still on my list to purchase. But for now, I at least have the peace of mind knowing that we can get through a few days without electricity with what we have. There won’t be any more frantic scrambling to get Matt to my mom’s house or somewhere else before the extreme heat (or cold) starts to affect him.



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Pensioners braced for ‘really difficult’ winter

Citizens’ Advice is bracing itself for a “really difficult” winter ahead of the scrapping of winter fuel payments for 10 million pensioners, the charity’s boss says.

From next month, those not on pension credit or other means-tested benefits will no longer get the annual payments, worth between £100 and £300.

Dame Clare Moriarty, who will attend a government meeting with energy firms to discuss the issue on Wednesday, told the BBC there should be better targeted support for those with the highest needs and the lowest incomes.

The prime minister has defended the decision to scrap winter fuel payments, saying it was needed to repair what he claims is a £22bn “hole” in the public finances.

In a speech on Tuesday, Sir Keir Starmer said he had to be honest that “things [would] get worse before they [got] better” when it came to public spending.

The meeting to discuss how to help those struggling with energy bills was called last week by Energy Consumers Minister Miatta Fahnbulleh after it was announced the energy price cap would rise from October.

Regulator Ofgem has said gas and electricity prices will rise by 10% in England, Scotland and Wales under the new energy price cap, with the typical annual dual-fuel bill paid by direct debit to be £1,717 per year.

Ofgem, trade association Energy UK and Citizens Advice have also been invited to attend.

Ms Fahnbulleh said that together they would “help households in energy debt and take proactive steps to stop others from falling into it”.

Dame Clare said: “Winter fuel payment will still be paid to people receiving pension credit, and that’s actually one of the most underclaimed benefits there is, so 1.4 million people receive pension credit and there’s nearly another 900,000 people who could.

“It’s really important to see better support so that people do access it.”

She said people had until 21 December to apply for pension credit and still receive the winter fuel payment if successful.

However, there are concerns the government’s decision to stop the payments for everyone could create a public health emergency.

She said she recognised the government “had inherited a big problem” but “it needs action now”.

She called for a “social tariff” – discounted bills with those least able to afford them.

And she said energy suppliers “need to step up to their responsibilities on energy efficiency and on payment plans for those who are struggling”.

Simon Francis, co-ordinator of the End Fuel Poverty Coalition said: “In real terms, the changes this winter mean that some older people will face the highest energy bills on record.

“The impact of living in cold, damp homes is particularly harsh on those older people with a disability, a long-term health condition or with poor mental health.”

The charity Age UK says it believes “as many as two million pensioners who find paying their energy bills a real stretch will be seriously hit by this cut” and have launched a petition calling for a government U-turn.

The Conservatives have also urged Labour to back down on the decision and are seeking to challenge the policy change in the House of Commons.

Addressing the decision in his speech on Tuesday, the prime minister said he “didn’t want to means-test the winter fuel payment but it was a choice we had to take”.

He again referred to the £22bn black hole in this year’s spending plans.

However, Paul Johnson of the Institute for Fiscal Studies has previously said “half of [the] spending ‘hole’ is public pay over which government made a choice and where pressures were known”. For example, £9bn of that came from government agreeing higher pay awards to the public sector.

Wednesday’s meeting follows the publication of a new report that has found that the reduction of people in fuel poverty has “flatlined” in the past few years.

“There has been a stalling of progress,” said Caroline Flint, chair of the Committee on Fuel Poverty, which advises the government.

Ms Flint said that while the war in Ukraine and the Covid pandemic had “obscured the lack of material progress” being made in fuel poverty reduction, the committee had hoped more progress would have been made on its 2023 recommendations.

These included improving the affordability of bills through fairer pricing and creating a “robust” fuel poverty strategy.

Ms Flint added that without a change in government policy, a drop in fuel poverty levels was unlikely in the near future.

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Elevate Your Sound – Why London Fluid Mastering Is The Key To Success

Mastering is the final crucial step in music production that can transform your tracks from good to extraordinary. If you want your sound to stand out in a competitive industry, London Fluid Mastering offers expertise that ensures your music achieves its full potential. With their attention to detail and cutting-edge techniques, they can elevate your audio quality to new heights, making it not just listenable, but also impactful. Unlock the secrets of professional sound and discover how London Fluid Mastering is vital for your success.

Understanding Fluid Mastering

Your journey into the world of mastering begins with understanding the concept of fluid mastering.

What is Fluid Mastering?

For those unfamiliar with the term, fluid mastering is an innovative approach that marries digital precision with an organic touch. It involves refining your audio tracks to enhance their clarity, balance, and impact, ensuring they resonate well across all playback systems.

The Science Behind Sound Quality

Behind every great sound lies a wealth of scientific principles that dictate audio quality.

Plus, mastering takes advantage of critical aspects such as equalization, dynamics processing, and loudness optimization to create a cohesive and polished final product. By understanding the intricacies of frequency range management and phase relationships, you can achieve a richer sound. However, neglecting these aspects can lead to a muddy mix or even distortion in playback, which can undermine your hard work. Choosing fluid mastering helps ensure that your tracks not only meet industry standards but also **elevate** your audio to new heights, providing a memorable listening experience for your audience.

The Benefits of London Fluid Mastering

While searching for ways to enhance your sound quality, it’s crucial to understand the substantial benefits that London Fluid Mastering can provide to your music.

Enhanced Audio Clarity

The most immediate benefit of using London Fluid Mastering is the remarkable audio clarity it brings to your tracks. Every instrument and vocal element will shine through, allowing your music to achieve its full potential. You’ll notice a significant difference as each layer of sound becomes more defined and distinct.

Industry-Standard Techniques

IndustryStandard practices are the foundation of successful mastering. With seasoned professionals at your side, you’ll gain access to state-of-the-art tools and proven methods that ensure your sound meets the highest industry standards.

Enhanced techniques, such as dynamic range control and equalization, are meticulously applied to your music. This commitment to excellence means that your final product not only sounds great across various playback systems but also stands out among your peers—giving you a vital edge in a competitive market.

Versatility Across Genres

To make your music resonate with various audiences, you need a mastering service that offers versatility across genres. Whether you produce pop, rock, hip-hop, or electronic music, London Fluid Mastering adapts its approach to fit your specific requirements.

Fluid Mastering’s approach allows for a tailored experience that speaks to the unique characteristics of each genre. This attention to detail ensures your music maintains its integrity and emotional impact, no matter where it’s played, ultimately helping you connect more profoundly with your listeners.

Choosing the Right Mastering Studio

Once again, the success of your music project hinges significantly on the mastering process, making it crucial to select the right studio for your needs. The right mastering studio can elevate your sound and give your tracks the professional polish they deserve. You need to carefully evaluate studios to ensure they align with your artistic vision and technical demands.

Key Features to Look For

On your quest for the ideal mastering studio, consider these necessary features:

  • Experienced Engineers – Look for a team with a proven track record in the industry.
  • High-Quality Equipment – Ensure they use professional-grade gear for the best sonic results.
  • Acoustic Treatment – A well-designed listening environment is necessary for accurate sound assessment.
  • Mixing Services – Some studios offer pre-mastering mixing assistance, which can be beneficial.
  • Communication – Responsiveness and clarity in communication can foster a better working relationship.

Thou must choose wisely, for these features can dramatically impact the quality of your final product.

Reputation and Reviews

Features in a mastering studio extend beyond technical capabilities; reputation and client feedback also play crucial roles. When analyzing studios, seek out reviews and testimonials from other artists and professionals in the industry. This firsthand information can give you insight into their consistency, reliability, and overall quality of work.

Mastering studios with strong reputations tend to showcase positive reviews, and attentive service. Look for feedback that highlights experiences involving their attention to detail, turnaround time, and how well they listen to client needs. Conversely, steer clear of studios that feature recurring themes of poor communication or disappointing results—these can greatly affect your project’s potential. Prioritize finding a studio that aligns with your vision, as this choice can ultimately influence the success of your music.

The Process of Fluid Mastering

After initiateing on your journey to elevate your sound, mastering becomes the necessary finishing touch that brings your music to life. Understanding the process of fluid mastering is key to achieving a polished, professional result that will help your tracks stand out in the competitive market.

Initial Consultation

For every successful mastering project, an initial consultation sets the stage. This is your opportunity to discuss your vision, preferences, and any specific needs you have. By understanding your artistic intent, the mastering engineer can tailor the process to match your expectations.

Track Analysis and Preparation

Mastering begins with a thorough examination of your tracks. It’s during this phase that your audio is scrutinized for any imperfections or areas of enhancement. The specialist evaluates levels, frequency balance, and dynamic range to ensure your music is ready for the next stage.

Process is critical here as the mastering engineer uses professional tools to analyze waveforms, ensuring every decibel is optimized. Whether it’s correcting tonal issues or enhancing clarity, this step lays the groundwork for a seamless listening experience. A careful preparation phase means that your tracks can translate well across different audio systems.

Final Adjustments and Delivery

Delivery marks the culmination of your mastering journey. This phase involves making any final touches, adjustments, or tweaks to ensure the highest quality output. Here, your mastering engineer focuses on optimizing the loudness without sacrificing dynamics or clarity.

Plus, this stage is necessary as it ensures that no detail is overlooked. The final deliverables will include high-resolution audio files tailored to your needs, whether for streaming platforms or physical releases. A polished final product means you’re ready to confidently share your art with the world, knowing you’ve invested in a truly legendary sound.

Final Words

To wrap up, investing in London Fluid Mastering is necessary if you aspire to elevate your sound and achieve commercial success. With their expert knowledge and state-of-the-art technology, you can ensure that your music stands out in a competitive industry. By collaborating with professionals who understand nuances of mastering, you give your tracks the polished finish they deserve, enhancing both their quality and appeal. Ultimately, choosing the right mastering service not only amplifies your artistic vision but also paves the way for greater audience engagement and industry recognition.

Chantecaille Cheetah Collection – The Beauty Look Book

Chantecaille Cheetah Collection - Lip Veil 2024

Chantecaille launched a few new items for Fall 2024 in their Cheetah Collection. There are three new Cheetah Lip Veils ($54 each) and a Cheetah Eye Trio ($78). Everything is limited-edition. Available now at Chantecaille, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, Bluemercury and all Chantecaille retailers.

Cheetah Lip Veil

Chantecaille Cheetah Collection - Lip Veil review 2024

There are three Lip Veils in this collection and they are absolute perfection. These are hydrating luminous lipsticks with a lightweight feel but intense moisture. The shades are polished neutrals that are easy to wear for any occasion.

  • Wild Sienna is a peachy brown beige
  • Desert Lily is a soft pink
  • Acacia is a perfect rosewood

I don’t own a lot of Chantecaille lip colors but I know they do repeat shades. I still have the Acacia from 2020 so I swatched it next this year’s Cheetah Acacia and the batches are very close but not identical. The 2020 Acacia is slightly more translucent (sheerer in finish) and has a bit more blue undertone.

Pigment is medium but buildable. Formula is ultra creamy and hydrating with a glossy finish but they don’t feel heavy on the lips. These come at a steep price but I think they are well worth checking out. For me the tones are perfect.

Chantecaille Cheetah Collection - Lip Veil swatches 2024

Also wearing:

Chantecaille Cheetah Collection - Lip Veil Wild Senna

Chantecaille Cheetah Collection - Lip Veil Desert Lily

Chantecaille Cheetah Collection - Lip Veil Acacia

Cheetah Eye Trio Swatches

Chantecaille Cheetah Collection Eye Trio vs Natasha Denona I Need a Nude similar tones

Chantecaille also launched an Eye Trio which has three beautiful neutrals. The palette arrived shattered but I was able to salvage enough product for swatches. The texture and pigment is exceptionally beautiful with both the mattes and shimmer, but the shades are easily dupeable. I found shades that are nearly identical from Natasha Denona I Need a Nude Palette and her Glam Palette also has similar tones (and I love her pigment and textures too). I feel like her My Mini Dream Palette is also similar.

Overall a beautiful collection of neutrals to elevate your everyday look. I love the lip colors.

Available now at Chantecaille, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, Bluemercury and all Chantecaille retailers.

Cheetah collection gifted for review.

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A Fall Refresh in Our Small Entry

This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy here

This post is in partnership with Wayfair

Can you believe September is just two weeks away now? I always look forward to fall nesting. Even though I feel so sad without our sweet Jack here, as I wrote in my books A Lovely Life and Dwelling, bringing beauty into our home and life can be therapeutic.

So, I pulled myself together and took my own advice this week. I practiced what I know to be true.

My husband is still planning to return to painting our door and porch next week, but I wanted to do something simple to bring a touch of fall inside. I found everything I needed at Wayfair.

Sources: Lamp // Rug // Wreath // Half round table // Rattan storage boxes

With a small or awkward space it can be a little challenging to find affordable pieces that are pretty, fit the dimensions of the room and serve needs of the family. Wayfair has lots of smaller scale cottage style furnishings and accessories, so that made it much easier.


The colors in this rug felt like just the right touch to add a layer of coziness and it came in this smaller size (3’6 x 5’6). I love that the colors of the rug bring our palette together. It sets the tone for our style and color palette at the front door.

This half round table adds style and makes our small entry functional. I’ve wanted to find a table similar to the one we had but with the lower shelf and a deeper drawer. This one is just what I was hoping to find! The color is so lovely and cottagey, too.

Sources: Lamp // Half round table // Rattan storage boxes

This lamp with the adorable scalloped shade is tall and narrow, and it leaves room for the rattan storage boxes or whatever we’d want to put here. When you have a small rounded surface, it can be hard to make it functional, but these woven boxes work great!


And finally, the wreath adds a welcoming touch of fall. It’s really cute — I love how the color plays so nicely against the door and with the furniture in here, too.

Sources: Lamp // Half round table // Rattan storage boxes

Now when we walk in this room it feels like a warm gentle hug. A cozy reminder of all the love and beauty that makes our home our sanctuary in all seasons. I have a few more ideas for this space, but it’s a start.

Thank you all for your kind comments on my last post about Jack. I am reading each one and taking every word to heart — you are a blessing to me and to our family.

Lamp with Scalloped Shade (lots of color options and two sizes, mine here is the taller)

Demilune Half Round Table

Wood Lidded Boxes

Fall Wreath

Floral Rug

Book Stack

Rug Pad

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