Angel Reese and Sha’Carri Richardson: Athletes of the Year

Written By: Trish B.

Angel Reese and Sha’Carri Richardson: Athletes of the Year

2024 has been an unforgettable year for women in sports, and two extraordinary athletes, Angel Reese and Sha’Carri Richardson, have stolen the spotlight. As bold leaders in their respective fields, these women have excelled not only in their athletic achievements but also in their unapologetic authenticity, breaking barriers, and inspiring millions. Let’s dive into what makes these trailblazers Hype Hair’s Athletes of the Year.

Angel Reese: The “Bayou Barbie”

Angel Reese, affectionately known as the “Bayou Barbie,” has become a force to be reckoned with in the basketball world. As a forward for the LSU Tigers, she made history by leading her team to its first NCAA Women’s Basketball Championship in 2023. Known for her fierce gameplay, confidence, and dazzling personality, Angel’s dominance on the court has captivated fans everywhere.


Fashion Meets Sport: Angel is redefining what it means to be a female athlete. From her standout performances on the court to her glamorous photo shoots, she proves that you can be both powerful and stylish. She proudly represents a new generation of athletes who balance high performance with self-expression.

Cultural Impact: Angel’s unapologetic gestures and confidence sparked discussions about double standards in sports, but she stood her ground, inspiring young women to embrace their individuality.

Beauty Inspiration: Angel’s hair game is just as strong as her basketball skills. From sleek ponytails to voluminous curls, she continuously serves looks that embody her nickname, “Bayou Barbie.” She’s become a role model not just for her skill, but for celebrating Black beauty on and off the court.

Sha’Carri Richardson: A Sprinting Powerhouse

Sha’Carri Richardson has reclaimed her throne as one of the fastest women in the world, proving that resilience and determination are her defining traits. After overcoming setbacks, she made an incredible comeback, winning gold in the 100-meter dash at the 2023 World Championships. Her victory was not just about speed—it was a triumph over adversity.

The Queen of Comebacks: Sha’Carri’s journey from personal loss to public scrutiny has been nothing short of inspiring. Her ability to rise above challenges shows the power of perseverance and self-belief.

 Iconic Style: Known for her vibrant hair colors, bold nails, and infectious energy, Sha’Carri continues to set trends and redefine what it means to be an athlete. Her signature looks on the track have become a cultural statement, showing that beauty and power go hand in hand.


Representation Matters: By owning her identity and embracing her individuality, Sha’Carri has become a beacon of hope for young women, especially in the Black community, showing that success comes from embracing who you truly are.

What sets Angel Reese and Sha’Carri Richardson apart is their ability to inspire far beyond their athletic achievements. Both women have embraced their platforms to advocate for representation, individuality, and self-confidence. In a world that often scrutinizes women in sports, they’ve proven that you can win with both skill and style.

Angel Reese and Sha’Carri Richardson are not just athletes—they’re icons. They’ve brought style, resilience, and personality to the forefront of sports culture. Their boldness challenges stereotypes and reminds us that beauty and strength coexist effortlessly.

At Hype Hair, we celebrate these incredible women as Athletes of the Year for not only their victories but also their ability to inspire and empower. Their impact transcends sports, proving that Black women can dominate the court, the track, and the cultural narrative.

To keep up with Angel and Sha’Carri’s hair and beauty inspiration, stay tuned to Hype Hair for all the tips, trends, and stories that continue to shape the culture.


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I Should Have Listened To Y’all

Well, y’all, the word of the day is frustration. (Also, frustrated and frustration.) You could probably turn this post into a drinking game and be completely sloshed by the end. But don’t. I’m not actually suggesting that. 😀

We started off this week with my mom and I having finished several days of back breaking work to clear out the stacks and stacks of hardwood flooring from the breakfast room so that I could get our temporary bedroom set up in there, and then to clear out the bedroom (including removing the two built-in closets) so that the work in that room could start bright and early Monday morning.

And now we’ve come to the end of the week — a week when the flooring and subfloor of the guest bedroom were supposed to be removed, vapor barrier installed, insulation installed, plumbing for the washer installed, and new subfloor installed so that I could start installing the new hardwood flooring — and this is all that’s been done.

I’m frustrated, to say the least. I understand that people get sick and have to deal with sick kids. I get that. I try to be gracious. But I can still be frustrated with the situation and with the lack of progress, and I am. Very frustrated.

Back when we bought this house and I began working on it, I did virtually everything myself simply because we didn’t have the money to hire people to do every little thing I didn’t want to do. As long as it wasn’t something major, like re-roofing the house, replacing the main sewer line, leveling the house, or replacing all of the old galvanized pipes with new PVC and PEX, then I’d do it myself.

I removed and rebuilt walls (with the help of my brother), installed new windows (also with the help of my brother), built cased openings in load-bearing walls, installed new drywall. I didn’t necessarily enjoy the process of doing all of that stuff (although I did enjoy the feeling of pride and accomplishment at tackling those things with my own hands), but I did them because I had to. We just simply didn’t have the luxury of hiring those things out.

But quite honestly, I also hated the idea of having to rely on others to do things for me when I was capable of doing them myself. I don’t like relying on other people because other people aren’t reliable. Other people don’t show up when they’re supposed to. They don’t call and let me know they’re not going to be here. They don’t listen when I say how I want things done. Lots of times, I have to go back and redo something that they didn’t do quite right. So I’ve always found it easier to just do it myself. My mom tells me that the first sentence I said as a child was, “Me do it meself!” And that has pretty much been my personality for my entire life.

But as time went on, and Matt and I have enjoyed more financial freedom, I’ve started hiring out more and more. But the result has been a mixed bag. Yes, it’s nice to not have to do the stuff I don’t really like to do. But there’s a definite trade-off when I hire out these jobs to other people. And this last week is a clear demonstration of that. It’s been an entire week of no progress when I know very well that I could have been in there removing the flooring and subfloor myself. And now I’m kicking myself for hiring out the job and being stalled for an entire week.

Of course, had I listened to some of you who encouraged me to start the work in the bedroom at the ceiling and work my way down, I could have been getting some work done. It does make more sense in my mind to start with the floor and get it finished since the sanding process is so incredibly messy and gets dust into every nook and cranny of the room. But just because there’s a preferred order to projects, that doesn’t mean that’s the only way to do it. And I, of all people, should know that. I’m the queen of doing projects out of order (or out of the generally accepted order) and still having things work out in the end.

So I should have listened. Once I decided to hire out those other jobs, I should have left the possibility open for me to start on the bedroom while that was going on, and to start at the top and work my way down. During this last week, I could have gotten the crown molding installed, walls repaired (i.e, repaired holes left by drywall anchors), walls primed, and possibly even the wallpaper installed. I was very adamant about doing the floor before the wallpaper so that the grasscloth doesn’t end up loaded down with dust from sanding the floor, but the walls can always be draped with plastic before I start the floors.

But because I was set in my ways, I now have hundreds of pounds of flooring that would need to be moved once again for me to start on the bedroom walls. Ugh. I’m so frustrated.

So I’m not really sure what to do at this point. Part of me thinks I should just chill, stop stressing about these rooms, and just let it happen when it happens. And in the meantime, I can find other projects to work on, like maybe finishing the skirting on the front porch, and then starting the skirting on my workshop.

But the other part of me thinks I should channel my frustration into moving those hundreds of pounds of flooring yet again and just get started on the crown molding and walls. The only place I can move those boxes is to the middle of the room. They have to stay inside the house (so I can’t move them to my workshop) because the wood has to stay acclimated to the house before I install it. And I’ve just run out of room anywhere else in the house.

Anyway, who knows at this point where I’ll channel my frustration and my energy this weekend. There are plenty of options, so surely I can find something that needs to be done and get something accomplished. It just may not be anything related to our bedroom suite, and that frustrates the heck out of me.



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Make Any Room Cozier with These Handy Remote Control Outlets for Lamps and Christmas Trees!

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Make any room immediately cozier with a set of these remote control outlets (on Black Friday sale!). I got them for our living room lamps so I can turn them on and off easily with the remote control. You can also plug your Christmas lights or tree into one. So much easier use a remote to turn on the tree than it is to crawl around to the back side trying to find the cord and outlet every time!

This set is so easy to use, no complicated set up. You just plug in your lamps or electronics and you’re all set! The two remotes come with batteries so you have everything you need right out of the box.

These would also make a fun and useful stocking stuffer and Christmas gift!

Find more of my Amazon favorites in my storefront.

Find more gift ideas for everyone on your list in our Gift Guides!

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Tatcha Lip Care Review | British Beauty Blogger

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] A break from all the gift sets for my (and your) sanity’s sake! As someone with almost permanently dry lips (my husband likes to say it’s because they never get a break from a glass of wine.. not true by the way, I promise!) any balms, salves and scrubs fall immediately into my basket. I have so many – but then, in fairness, I use them every single day.

I don’t mind saying that of the luxury balms I’ve been lucky enough to try, Tatcha’s are very high up on the perfect list. You can do some proper reinvigoration of dry lips if you put your mind to it and this trio of products are designed for exactly that.

The Kissu Lip Treatment is quite special in that it does a lot of things. For a start, it’s mildly plumping (my lips are quite plump as it is so nothing much makes them bigger) because it’s so hydrating but it’s over a period of time that you’re likely to see more results such as restoring colour to the lips and reduced feathering. As a Japanese/USA brand, you’d expect to find some interesting ingredients, and sure enough, sea fern makes an appearance to help with lipid storage and sea kelp helps restore vibrancy. In honesty, the Lip Treatment could be your one-and-done (especially at £42) and then just use any old balm over the top. BUT, unfortunately, the Kissu Lip Mask is so delicious that you’re missing a treat if you don’t try it as a topper over the serum.

It is as gorgeous as it looks with a lightly fondant texture and a glossy glide over the lips that locks in moisture. You can use it as an overnight mask but I just use it as a daily balm and quite often at night for belt and braces. The Kissu Lip Scrub is a combination of Konjak and peach seed for the scrub element floating in a Japanese Camellia oil base. Use this, top with serum and top that with the mask and it is lip heaven all round.

As you know (and I have a stocking filler lip balm selection coming up at a variety of prices) lip balms are designed to be barriers – to stop moisture escaping – and barrier care is all well and good, but if you want to achieve smoother looking, healthier looking lips, you do need to go a bit further with ingredients over and above barriers. I think together, they could be the best facial style lip treatment to do on the sofa as often as you need to but I’d suggest if you’re getting the serum, you’d have to use that daily for results. Otherwise, it’s just as and when you feel like it. The Kissu Lip Treatment is £42 HERE, the Kissu Lip Mask is £27 HERE and the Kissu Lip Scrub is £29 HERE. I’ve linked to SpaceNK because there’s a little pouch with skincare samples that you get for free if you spend over £100.

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A Pink Wallpapered Walk-In Closet? Yes, Please!

Yesterday, I finally got to work on the floor in the hallway and bedroom. I’m so glad to finally be working on these rooms, and now that my whole plan is in place for the bedroom, everything has been ordered, and I just need to get the work done, I’m hoping it’ll be smooth sailing to the finish line.

In the meantime, I’m dreaming about my closet and laundry room combo. It’s no secret that of all the rooms on our house, that’s the one I’m the most excited about. I know it probably sounds crazy, but it’s true. I’ve never in my life had a large, organized walk-in closet, and I can’t stop thinking about it, dreaming about it, and planning it. And the best thing? Matt said he has no problem with the painting it PINK! 😀

If you’ll remember, when we bought this house, Matt said I could do pretty much anything I wanted to do to the house. He only had one rule. No pink walls.

I’ve definitely gotten as close to that line as I can without going over it. I put pink curtains in the living room…

I put darker pinkish raspberry curtains in the breakfast room/sitting room…

And I put a settee in a similar color under a huge pink flower in the music room…

In our bathroom, I found a wallpaper mural with just enough pink in it to make me happy while not technically having “pink walls”.

And of course, my studio is loaded with pink cabinets. Technically, this is my room, so if I had wanted to drench the whole thing in pink from top to bottom, he wouldn’t have cared. But I just stuck with the cabinets.

So to date, I’ve stuck with our agreement. We have no pink walls anywhere in our house. There’s plenty of pink elsewhere, but no pink walls. As a side note, Matt is partially color blind, so he can’t even see light pink. When I mentioned something to him about our pink living room curtains, he looked shocked and said, “Those are PINK?” He saw them as light gray. 😀 So pink has to be pretty saturated for him to even see it as pink. He hates hot pink, and I’m okay with that. Hot pink isn’t my favorite, either.

Anyway, all that to say that I very casually floated the idea of painting the closet pink, and he was totally fine with it! He said he’d never be in there anyway, so he didn’t care if it was pink. I could drench the whole thing in pink if I wanted to, and he’d be fine with it.

Oh my goodness. THIS IS MY CHANCE, y’all! 😀 This is it!

Okay, I’m just joking, kind of. I don’t know that I want a Barbie closet, but it really did get my wheels turning. My washer and dryer and navy blue (and this is my current and very gorgeous laundry room in the corner of the sunroom, i.e., the room that will be torn down completely)…

So now I’m leaning towards a combination of pink (or maybe a pinkish coral with a touch of orange in it since our bedroom will have orange in it) on the closet components and walls, the blue washer and dryer, and a wallpaper on the ceiling to pull it all together.

I was looking for pink closet inspiration, and while there’s not a lot out there (imagine that! 😀 ), I did find a few. I don’t know that I’d want mind quite this saturated, but I do love this color. It has that slight touch of orange in it that makes it lean almost coral…

Photo by UserMore closet photos

I’ve never used wallpaper on the ceiling before, and this is probably the only chance I’ll ever get. And since closets generally have so much of the walls covered with clothes and other stored items, the ceiling is the perfect place to bring in some multi-colored pattern.

Photo by 6th Ave HomesBrowse closet photos

I also need to find a fun pendant light to hang over my tiny little center island cabinets. There’s a ceiling fan in there right now, which is an absolute must for a bedroom in central Texas. But I don’t need a ceiling fan in a closet/laundry area. So it’ll be fun to choose a little piece of “jewelry” for my closet.

Anyway, it’s fun to dream about, and I can’t wait to get started! Finally being able to work on the closet/laundry area combo will be my reward for staying focused and getting the bedroom done. But at least for now, I can do some dreaming and planning. I need to see if I can find the perfect pink/navy blue or coral/navy blue wallpaper to bring this plan all together for the ceiling.


Y’all! Look at this one!!!

That combo of the light, bright, floral wallpaper on the ceiling, and the light pink on the closet components and walls is so pretty! I might want a bit more saturation to the pink (or coral), but not much. Just a touch more would do it for me. Here’s another view of that amazing closet.



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John Berger on the Courage to Create – The Marginalian

The Heroes Among Us: John Berger on the Courage to Create

“What makes Heroic?” asked Nietzsche as he was emerging from depression, then answered: “To face simultaneously one’s greatest suffering and one’s highest hope.” That is the heroism of the inner world, yes, but what makes a person heroic in the world we share is to face the greatest suffering — their own and the world’s — then make of it a found of hope and fulcrum of strength for others. Heroes are transmutation agents — people who alchemize suffering and restlessness and rage into love, who compost disappointment into fertilizer for growth, who break down cynicism to its building blocks of helplessness and hubris, then metabolize the toxin out of the system we call society.

There are myriad kinds of heroes capable of myriad heroisms — the epochal heroisms of speaking truth to power that mobilize the consciousness of a civilization and the small daily heroisms of the invisible labor that makes the world cohere, the heroism of planting a tree and the heroism of abolishing a plantation, the heroism of keeping faith in a friend through a hard time and the heroism of leaving a false love.

It helps to remember this diversity of heroisms, because it saves us from imprisoning our heroes in the expectation that everyone contribute to the shared cause — the great project of human flourishing — in the same way. The protest marcher and the poet are very different kinds of heroes, and it is an act of oppression against the gift of each to measure them on the register of the other. Only when we cease doing that can we begin to recognize the heroes who across the history of every civilization have kept the lighthouse blazing through the dark times — the heroes we call artists.

The Star-Lighter by Rockwell Kent, 1919. (Available as a print and as stationery cards.)

These are the heroes John Berger (November 5, 1926–January 2, 2017) celebrates in one of the essays in his 1991 collection Keeping a Rendezvous (public library) — the heroes we need in times “when the just cause is defeated… when our past is dishonoured and its promises and sacrifices shrugged off with ignorant and evil smiles, when whole families come to suspect that those who wield power are deaf to reason and every plea, and that there is no appeal anywhere, when gradually you realize… that They are out to break you, out to break your inheritance, your skills, your communities, your poetry, your clubs, your home and, wherever possible, your bones too.” Of such times, Berger writes:

The avenging heroes are now being dreamt up and awaited. They are already feared by the pitiless and blessed by me and maybe by you.

I would shield any such hero to my fullest capacity. Yet if, during the time I was sheltering him, he told me he liked drawing, or… she told me she’d always wanted to paint, and had never had the chance or the time to do so, if this happened, then I think I’d say: Look, if you want to, it’s possible you may achieve what you are setting out to do in another way, a way less likely to fall out on your comrades and less open to confusion.

Art by Giuliano Cucco from Before I Grew Up — a lyrical picture-book about the artist within

Echoing Iris Murdoch’s abiding observation that “tyrants always fear art because tyrants want to mystify while art tends to clarify” and Auden’s insistence that “the mere making of a work of art is itself a political act,” Berger adds:

I can’t tell you what art does and how it does it, but I know that often art has judged the judges, pleaded revenge to the innocent and shown to the future what the past suffered, so that it has never been forgotten. I know too that the powerful fear art, whatever its form, when it does this, and that amongst the people such art sometimes runs like a rumour and a legend because it makes sense of what life’s brutalities cannot, a sense that unites us, for it is inseparable from a justice at last. Art, when it functions like this, becomes a meeting-place of the invisible, the irreducible, the enduring, guts, and honour.

Complement with Leonard Cohen on what makes a modern saint, James Baldwin on the artist’s role in society, Toni Morrison on the artist’s task in troubled times, and Ernst Becker on heroism and our search for meaning, then revisit Berger on the power of music.

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Manchester City planning a £50.3m January swoop for Martin Zubimendi – Paper Talk | Football News

The top stories and transfer rumours from Sunday’s newspapers…


Manchester City are planning a £50.3m January swoop for Martin Zubimendi – six months after he turned his back on Liverpool.

New England boss Thomas Tuchel has handed Marcus Rashford an olive branch. The German told the Manchester United forward that he wants him in his Three Lions squad – as long as he keeps his form up.

Thomas Tuchel snubbed a “done deal” to manage Manchester United before becoming England boss.


Manchester United could soon be making a move for Juventus captain Danilo in the January transfer window – if incoming manager Ruben Amorim gets his way.

Liverpool transfer target Omar Marmoush wants to move to the Premier League if he departs Eintracht Frankfurt.

Ruben Amorim has already given Sporting his word that Manchester United will not raid the Portuguese club for their most-valuable assets this winter.

Steve McManaman insists Trent Alexander-Arnold’s decision over a move to Real Madrid will be a personal call, but he has reminded the Liverpool man he enjoyed himself after making the same switch.


Ruben Amorim has singled out a member of Manchester United’s squad he is excited to manage when he begins duties at Old Trafford next week. Amorim revealed that he is delighted to be able to work with 23-year-old Manuel Ugarte once again.


Real Madrid defender Eder Militao has torn his anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), the second time in two seasons he has suffered the same injury.

Bayern Munich are expected to complete a deal to sign 18-year-old American forward Bajung Darboe from LAFC.


Auston Trusty battled through injury to play a huge part in Celtic’s stunning Champions League triumph on Tuesday night.

Charlie Adam has detailed Vincent Kompany’s influence on his career – as he tries to copy the Bayern Munich boss in first shot in management at Fleetwood Town.

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Skincare and Body Care Favorites from Sephora

With the Sephora sale in full swing I’m sharing my favorites in skincare, body care and fragrance today. As a beauty creator I am fortunate to be able to try a wide range of products. I love trying new skincare but to keep my list edited I’m focusing on my tried and true staples, ie products I repurchase over and over again. Dates and details below, use code SAVINGS if shopping online! (some exclusions apply):

  • Rouge members 20% off: 11/1 – 11/11
  • VIBs 15% off: 11/5 – 11/11
  • Insiders 10% off: 11/5 – 11/11
  • All Sephora Collection 30% off: 11/1 – 11/11

Best Skincare Sephora Sale

Makeup Removers and Cleansers

Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cleanser

For removing makeup double cleansing is still a must to effectively remove all traces of makeup or sunscreen. I love a good cleansing oil but my favorite isn’t sold at Sephora (it’s this one from Chanel). I do have several solid balm makeup removers I love which I’ll list below.

Farmacy Green Clean is one of the best makeup remover balms. I love the classic one and this is the one I always keep stocked at home, but their limited-edition scented ones are always so fun for me to try.

Elemis and Clinique also make great solid cleansing balms, but I feel like the Farmacy one is the best and most effective.

Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleanser is the best everyday cleanser for me and Andrew. After trying dozens of cleansers over the years I have to say this has the best consistency to clean the skin without drying it.

Serums and Moisturizers

Drunk Elephant Skincare Favorites Protini Polypeptide Cream and Serum

I’ve been neglecting essence treatments this year but I think I need to start using one again since they really make a difference! I just repurchased the La Mer Treatment Lotion for the sale.

For serums my 3 go-to’s include the Drunk Elephant B-Hydra (great for year round), Caudalie Vinoperfect Brightening Dark Spot Serum (for brightening) and La Mer The Concentrate Serum (best splurge).

I have several favorites for moisturizing creams. My top 5 are the La Mer Moisturizing Soft Cream, Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream, Augustinus Bader The Cream, Drunk Elephant Protini Polypeptide Firming Moisturizer and the Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base.

La Mer Skincare Favorites

I would rank the La Mer and Charlotte Tilbury in my top 2 right now. Those are the two formulas I packed with me in October. While La Mer is quite the splurge, I do think it has been worth it for me. I have repurchased the Moisturizing Soft Cream multiple times and also bought one to gift to my sister-in-law for Mother’s Day and she loves it.

With any of these formulas I highly recommend checking out a travel set or value set to try first. I always find it helpful to try something in a smaller size to sample before committing to the full size. Some great options:

Several of you asked me if I use retinol or tretinoin – I do not. I have really loved the Kiehl’s Micro-Dose Retinol Serum in the past but haven’t repurchased in a while. Right now I’ve been loving La Mer’s new Rejuvenating Night Cream. I’ve been using this for several months now and every other night (it is suitable to use nightly though) and I 10/10 love it.

Eye Treatments

La Mer and Caudalie Eye Cream

I have a few eye treatments I love from Sephora. The La Mer Eye Concentrate Cream is my go-to right now. It has the best consistency and texture for me – not too thick and not too thin. It helps with fine lines and hydration.

I’ve also been very impressed with Caudalie’s Resveratrol-Lift, Premiere Cru and the Vinoperfect Dark Circle Brightening Eye Cream. I’ve repurchased the brightening one and will probably repurchase the Resveratrol-Lift before the sale ends.

Face Masks and Treatments

Innisfree Pore Mask

I have used pore clearing and detox masks the most this year out of any face mask or treatment. I have three I think are 100% worth checking out. Innisfree Super Volcanic AHA Pore Clearing Clay Mask is one of the most gentle pore masks I’ve tried and I’m obsessed. Caudalie Pore Minimizing Instant Detox Mask is also excellent but it’s on the stronger side (absorbs a LOT of excess oil). A few readers recommended the La Mer Deep Purifying Mask to me earlier this year. I decided to give it a try and it 10/10 lives up to the hype from you! It is quite the splurge and currently sold out online but you can always add the notification restock alert to your account if you’re interested.

For the best sheet mask I still swear by the La Mer Treatment Lotion Hydrating Sheet Masks but it costs an arm and leg.

Lip Balms

Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balms

I am a lip-balm junkie. I love trying different formulas! I could go on and on about ones I’ve loved, but the three I’ve used up and repurchased are Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm (this mini set is so cute), Laneige Glowy Lip Balm (love this cute set too) and the La Mer Lip Volumizer (love the clear one, but the tinted ones are also fun).

Swatches of the Summer Fridays ones below:

Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balms swatches


Caudalie and Charlotte Tilbury Sunscreen

My top three sunscreens right now are the Caudalie Vinosun Protect SPF 50, Charlotte Tilbury Invisible UV Flawless Primer SPF 50 and Shiseido Ultimate Sun Protector Lotion SPF 60. I also really like a lot of formulas from Supergoop! but right now those three listed above are what I have been using lately.

Body Care

Charlotte Tilbury Magic Body Cream

I love trying different body washes and shower creams. I don’t have any loyalty to a particular formula or brand as I love trying new ones all the time. I will say I gravitate towards ones that can be unisex or have that clean smell because Andrew likes to use them too. Our top three most repurchased formulas are the Ouai Dean Street Body Wash, Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Play Body Wash and Jack Black Turbo Wash. I will say that for winter the turbo wash is a little too drying so we’ve switched it out for the Necessaire Body Wash in Santal (love this Body Wash Discovery Set they’ve launched this year).

For a shower oil Andrew loves the L’occitane Almond Shower Oil. We used to love the Shea Shower Cream but they changed the formula/scent recently and it has an unflattering floral scent to it now.

If you struggle with body acne (we sometimes do in the hot summer months) we recommend the Kosasport Good Body Skin AHA Enzyme Exfoliating Body Wash.

Two body creams I really love are the Herbivore Botanicals Cloud Milk Coconut Body Cream and Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream. As a huge fan of Phlur Missing Person’s scent I also really love the Missing Person Body Oil (although I think Osea and Chanel make the best body oils, unfortunately they aren’t at Sephora).

That wraps up my current skincare and body care favorites! I know finding the best skincare can be overwhelming as it really takes time to try and see if something works for your skin type or needs. I really wish there was 1 single brand I could use all of my skincare from. If I had to pick just one I think Drunk Elephant has the best variety and range.

If you’re looking for recommendations I hope you found this post helpful!

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